Join Omega Red’s Villainous Community Challenge as we usher in our latest Fan Favorite event!
Omega Red has latched his apocalyptic tentacles on to all of the Super Villains in MPQ and we’re putting out a call to arms to all players to gather your rosters and defeat his forces for some exciting rewards.
Progress Dashboard
Community Challenge
- Defeat Super Villains anywhere in MPQ to damage Omega Red and his forces.
- Deal bonus damage when defeating either 3 or 5-Star Omega Red.
June 14 – 28
Tier 1: 15% of Omega Red’s Forces Defeated
- 10,000 Iso-8
- 5000 Red Iso-8
- 3* Omega Red 3-Cover
- 1* Hydra Henchmen Support
Tier 2: 30% of Omega Red’s Forces Defeated
- 10,000 Iso-8
- 5000 Red Iso-8
- 3* High Evolutionary 3-Cover
- 1* Victorious Support
Tier 3: 45% of Omega Red’s Forces Defeated
- 10,000 Iso-8
- 5000 Red Iso-8
- 4* Doctor Bong Yellow Cover
- 2* KRA-VAN Support
Tier 4: 65% of Omega Red’s Forces Defeated
- 10,000 Iso-8
- 5000 Red Iso-8
- 4* Silver Samurai Red cover
- 200 5* Kang Shards
- 2* Mirror Image Support
Tier 5: 100% of Omega Red’s Forces Defeated
- 50,000 Iso-8
- 25000 Red Iso-8
- 200 5* Omega Red Shards
- 3* Space Stone Support