Hey Everyone,

Here are the Release Notes for the R122 update!

MPQ 122!

“Waves Piling On”

What’s Changed:
-Fixes to Bonus Heroes

-Bonus Heroes message now displays correctly if a player gained XP solely from recruiting new characters.

-When first gaining access to Bonus Heroes, the favorite status will be properly applied to each starting Bonus Hero

-VIP Streaks now properly award when renewing VIP Status

-Game no longer incorrectly tries to support landscape mode

-Fixed a Facebook loading screen issue

-Heroes that can’t be stunned are now able to be targeted by powers that stun a random enemy

-Improved passive and countdown tile effect timing

-Added a small animation when increasing the level of a character

-Fix to special tile tutorials to prevent players from getting stuck.

-Join Forces mission will now choose a provided character if the player’s character is a lower level.

-Black Widow (Modern)’s power Widow’s Sting will no longer incorrectly stun all enemies at power levels lower than 5

-Characters that prevent damage will no longer take the increased damage from Strike tiles.