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2025 MPQ Roadmap
The year's about to come to an end and it’s been another wild ride in MARVEL Puzzle Quest so let’s take a quick trip down this year’s memory lane. Champions 2.0 wrapped up its final batch of heroes in the back log ushering in a new era of rewards and gameplay for...
Introducing the All-New Cover Exchange System!
What is Cover Exchange? The Cover Exchange system is a brand new system for players to swap their excess covers to acquire covers of their choice! Exchange covers that are pending in your in-game inbox to acquire the covers you need to strengthen your heroes and build...
2025 MPQ New Character Poll
It's time to vote for the community choice for one of next year's 4-Star characters! Until December 20th at 3pm PST/10pm BST, pick your top 3 characters to be added to MARVEL Puzzle Quest!