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Creating a Character: Riri Williams (Ironheart 3.0)

Creating a Character: Riri Williams (Ironheart 3.0)

Riri Williams (Ironheart 3.0) Blog - Personality Meets Pixels While the 9th Anniversary Bash of MARVEL Puzzle Quest concluded in October, the party won’t stop as we go into November with our latest five-star addition to the roster, Riri Williams (Ironheart 3.0)!...

Creating a Character: Deathlok

Creating a Character: Deathlok

Creating a Character: Deathlok - Teamwork makes the cybernetically enhanced AI supported dream work A lot goes into designing the slew of characters that go into your rosters in MARVEL Puzzle Quest. Not only are the visual designs of a new character important, but...

Arcade Blog: Deadly, yet dapper

Arcade Blog: Deadly, yet dapper

Deadly, yet dapper - how we designed one of Marvel’s most entertainingly devious villains. For this year’s MARVEL Puzzle Quest anniversary, our art team wanted to celebrate this momentous occasion in style. Specifically, two styles! And what better way to do that than...

Developing a new character. What makes Chasm tick?

Developing a new character. What makes Chasm tick?

What goes into creating a new character and their abilities? The answer, lots and lots of numbers. Today, we’ll continue our exploration into Chasm with a part 2 blog from Edison Scott, Character Engineer, dedicated to not only understanding the character, but also...

New Character – Arcade (Edward Acra)

New Character – Arcade (Edward Acra)

Arcade (Edward Acra) 5-Star Rarity Affiliations: Villains, Mercenaries, Technologists, Geniuses "What makes a man destroy? For Arcade, the answer is truly for fun, and the more interesting the method the better. Incredibly intelligent and a brilliant inventor, Arcade...

Marvel Puzzle Quest New Character Blog – Doop (Green One)

Marvel Puzzle Quest New Character Blog – Doop (Green One)

Kicking off the festive-filled month of October, we have none other than the little green man himself, Doop! This out-of-this-world character’s mischievousness is only matched by his resourcefulness and eccentricity. The folks here on the art team wanted to create...

Marvel Puzzle Quest New Character – Doop (Green One)

Marvel Puzzle Quest New Character – Doop (Green One)

Doop (Green One) 4-Star Rarity Affiliations: Heroes, X-Men, Mutants, Non-Humans "What is Doop? U.S. science experiment? Alien? Being from another dimension? The stories told about him are as varied as the powers he wields. Super-intelligent, strong, and resilient,...

Marvel Puzzle Quest New Character Blog – Emma Frost

Marvel Puzzle Quest New Character Blog – Emma Frost

Emma Frost is many things: White Queen, teacher, member of the X-Men, possibly the strongest telepath in all of Marvel (free pass to debate in the comments), and so much more. And now she’s getting not just one but two more iterations in MARVEL Puzzle Quest. The new...

Marvel Puzzle Quest New Character – Emma Frost

Marvel Puzzle Quest New Character – Emma Frost

Emma Frost (Phoenix Five) 5-Star Rarity Affiliations: Heroes, X-Men, Mutants, Phoenix Force "Colossus, Cyclops, Magik, Namor, and Emma Frost. Hosts of the returned Phoenix Force. Charged with building the world into one safe for mutants and mankind, Emma Frost is a...

Marvel Puzzle Quest New Character Blog – Reptil

Marvel Puzzle Quest New Character Blog – Reptil

Kicking off September with a blast from the past, Reptil, aka Humberto Lopez, joins the fray with a catalog of titans from the prehistoric era! Using an ancient amulet found in an archeological site, this teenage Avenger can transform into a range of creatures from...

Marvel Puzzle Quest New Character – Reptil (Humberto Lopez)

Marvel Puzzle Quest New Character – Reptil (Humberto Lopez)

Reptil (Humberto Lopez) 4-Star Rarity Affiliations: Heroes, Avengers, Enhanced "From a young age, Humberto Lopez wanted to be a hero. Finding a fossilized amulet on an archaeology dig with his parents, 'Berto would get his chance as the super powered hero Reptil!...



We are back with the latest installment of the new character blog and this time we are switching gears a bit to meet-up with the team behind the art of MARVEL Puzzle Quest and the work they have done for She-Hulk Origin, inspired by Marvel Studios’ She-Hulk: Attorney...

Marvel Puzzle Quest New Character – She-Hulk (Immortal)

Marvel Puzzle Quest New Character – She-Hulk (Immortal)

She-Hulk (Immortal) 5-Star Rarity Affiliations: Heroes, Avengers, Team Iron Man, Gamma Mutates, Enhanced "IN THE WAKE OF EMPYRE, JEN WALTERS GOES IMMORTAL! The Cotati invasion has changed everything for Jennifer Walters. Now she seems to have a new lease on life… but...

Marvel Puzzle Quest New Character – She-Hulk (Origin)

Marvel Puzzle Quest New Character – She-Hulk (Origin)

She-Hulk (Origin) 4-Star Rarity Affiliations: Heroes, Enhanced, Gamma Mutates "Jennifer Walters, a former prosecutor at the District Attorney's office, suddenly gains Hulk-like powers after an accident exposed her to the gamma-radiated blood of her cousin, Bruce...

Marvel Puzzle Quest New Character Blog – Spider-Man (Oscorp)

Marvel Puzzle Quest New Character Blog – Spider-Man (Oscorp)

We’re continuing the celebration of Spider-Man’s 60th anniversary with the release of Spider-Man (Oscorp)! We’ve seen the web-slinger don many suits over the years, and while each has a special place in the hearts and minds of fans everywhere, the Oscorp suit is truly...

Marvel Puzzle Quest New Character – Spider-Man (Oscorp)

Spider-Man (Oscorp) 4-Star Rarity Affiliations: Heroes, Spider-Verse, Enhanced, Geniuses "Spider-Man in an Oscorp suit? What’s ol’ Normie up to? Are those Pumpkin Bombs?! Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man’s built a new suit with an old enemy - would love to have...

Marvel Puzzle Quest New Character Blog – Chasm (Ben Reilly)

Back by popular demand, we are reintroducing the New Character Blog to give a little more detail about each new character release to help your MARVEL Puzzle Quest play.  We hope you like it and we encourage you to let us know on our socials how we can provide more...

Marvel Puzzle Quest New Character – Chasm (Ben Reilly)

Chasm (Ben Reilly) 5-Star Rarity Affiliations: Villains, Spider-Verse, Street Level, Enhanced "It's hard knowing who you are, finding yourself, making sense of the world... Ben Reilly would know! Being Peter Parker's clone and sharing his memories, his powers, his...