General Changes

New Player Tutorial

  • Improved performance when progressing through the New Player Tutorial.


  • Updated splash art screen copyright year to 2020.
  • Added GDPR translations for Brazilian Portuguese and Russian.
  • Cargo Shipment preview screen now display drop rate tooltips when tapping on cargo content.
  • Cargo Shipment summary screen will now display player’s Card totals.

Alliance Changes


  • When a Leader leaves an Alliance without promoting another member to replace them, a random, active Officer will automatically be promoted to Leader.
    •  If there are no active Officers, then a random, active member will be promoted instead.

Bug Fixes

  • Store pack previews now properly match their content.
  • The 3D model for the EMP Blast is no longer missing in the Unit Profile screen.
  • Corrected several UI display issues on the Featured News screen.
  • Players will no longer see their Tank Traps disconnected when viewing their base.