Hi Everyone,

Here are the Release Notes for the R136 update!

What’s Changed

  • Logging out of Google Play on Android devices during the early stages of the game will no longer leave the player in an unresponsive state.
  • Story Event missions that do not recover points will no longer display the points counter after it has been completed.
  • Tiles destroyed by the a line clear from a Match-4 or greater are now considered “Destroyed” instead of “Matched”. Special tiles that specifically react off of matches will no longer react if the tile is destroyed by the line clear from a Match-4 or greater.
  • Character covers are formatted correctly in the S.H.I.E.L.D. Resupply screen
  • Countdown tiles that deal damage each turn will no longer do so if they are locked.
  • Colossus (Classic)’s power Colossal Punch will only deal additional damage when he is in front.
  • Tiles converted to Green from an opposing Daken’s power Chemical Reaction will no longer disarm friendly Trap tiles.
  • Medusa (Inhuman Queen)’s power Hair Meddle can now shuffle Fortified tiles.

In addition, if you are an iOS 7 user, then please read the Important News for iOS 7 Users announcement.