
Deadpool (Hotpool) 5*

Deadpool (Hotpool) 5*

Ability: Fair TradeColor: YellowAP Cost: 7 Help me support our local arms dealers by purchasing some of these direct factory-to-holster weapons. It feels good to do good. Welcome to the Armer’s Market. I’ll just steal up to 1 random AP (prioritizing Red and Purple)...

Kaine Parker (Scarlet Spider) 5*

Kaine Parker (Scarlet Spider) 5*

Ability: Mark of KaineColor: RedAP Cost: 5 Kaine Parker grabs an enemy, forever burning his Mark onto them. Deal 1329 permanent damage to the target, and gives them a Mark of Kaine. If a character already has a Mark of Kaine, this deals 50% increased damage. (PASSIVE)...

Storm (Ororo Munroe) 5* [REBALANCE]

Storm (Ororo Munroe) 5* [REBALANCE]

Ability: Gathering CloudsColor: BlackAP Cost: 8 (Previously 9) LEVEL 550 Before: Storm builds up an atmospheric charge and rains lightning upon her enemies. Destroys all Charged tiles on the board, dealing 2923 damage to the enemy team for each (up to a max of 23386...

May Parker (Spider-Girl) 5*

May Parker (Spider-Girl) 5*

Ability: Advanced Spider SenseColor: PurpleAP Cost: 0 (PASSIVE) May Parker has a 40% chance to Dodge any damage she would take, reducing it to 0. Whenever she Dodges, create 2 strength 73 Protect tiles. May Parker’s chance to Dodge is reduced by 5% for each friendly...

Jubilee (Phoenix Force) 5*

Jubilee (Phoenix Force) 5*

Ability: Zenith BlastColor: RedAP Cost: 6 Jubilee primes a powerful explosion, fueled by the memories of lives lost. Destroy a random friendly unlocked Extra Life tile, then deal 4208 damage to the target, increased by 10% for each friendly Extra Life tile destroyed...

Mister Sinister (Nathaniel Essex) 5* [REBALANCE]

Mister Sinister (Nathaniel Essex) 5* [REBALANCE]

Ability: Original SinisterColor: BlackAP Cost: 0 LEVEL 550 BEFORE (PASSIVE) Mister Sinister gleefully tosses one of his closes into the line of fire. If an enemy would deal 15076 or more damage and the friendly team has at least 3 Black AP, dream 3 friendly Black AP,...

Aunt May (Golden Oldie) 5*

Aunt May (Golden Oldie) 5*

Ability: Cake QuestColor: YellowAP Cost: 0 (PASSIVE) As his newest herald, Aunt May seeks out more sponge cake for Galactus. At the start of Aunt May’s turn, convert 1 random basic tile to Yellow. Whenever an ally makes a Yellow match, heal them for 443 health....

Phyla-Vell (Martyr) 5*

Phyla-Vell (Martyr) 5*

Ability: Oblivion SwordColor: BlackAP Cost: 8 Charged with the endless power of Oblivion Martyr’s blade is capable of annihilating all it touches. Increases the base match damage of each of Phyla’s match strengths to the strongest on the team in that color plus 10%...

Victor Mancha (Victorious) 5*

Victor Mancha (Victorious) 5*

Ability: Maximum VoltageColor: BlackAP Cost: 7 Victorious erupts with devastating electrical energy, causing destruction all around him. Deals 1107 damage to the enemy team, then creates 1 random basic Shrapnel tile(s). (PASSIVE) If there are 10 or more Shrapnel tiles...

Doctor Strange (Sorcerer Supreme) 5*

Doctor Strange (Sorcerer Supreme) 5*

Ability: Crimson Bands of CyttorakColor: BlueAP Cost: 6 By Cyttorak's seventh crimson band — let this brilliant whip ensnare your hand! Converts a chosen basic tile into a 1-turn Countdown tile, then stuns the target for 1 turns. The tile destroys 3 enemy AP of its...