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May Parker (Spider-Girl) 5*

May Parker (Spider-Girl) 5*

Ability: Advanced Spider SenseColor: PurpleAP Cost: 0 (PASSIVE) May Parker has a 40% chance to Dodge any damage she would take, reducing it to 0. Whenever she Dodges, create 2 strength 73 Protect tiles. May Parker’s chance to Dodge is reduced by 5% for each friendly...

Silk (Cindy Moon) 4* [REBALANCE]

Silk (Cindy Moon) 4* [REBALANCE]

Ability: String ShotColor: YellowAP Cost: 7 4 STAR: LEVEL 370Before: Silk swings onto the scene to support her allies with protective webbing. Creates 1 Fortified Web tile(s). Then, improves 1 friendly Strike, Attack, or Protect tile(s) by 48. (PASSIVE) Whenever you...

Aunt May (Golden Oldie) 5*

Aunt May (Golden Oldie) 5*

Ability: Cake QuestColor: YellowAP Cost: 0 (PASSIVE) As his newest herald, Aunt May seeks out more sponge cake for Galactus. At the start of Aunt May’s turn, convert 1 random basic tile to Yellow. Whenever an ally makes a Yellow match, heal them for 443 health....