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Deadpool (Devpool) 3*

Deadpool (Devpool) 3*

Ability: Customer SupportColor: YellowAP Cost: 6 What’s that? This guy’s WINNING?! Say no more! I’ll deal 173 damage to your target plus, I dunno, 10% of the damage they’ve dealt our team. (Alright, MAYBE I’m taking it a little personal.) (PASSIVE) Listen, I know...

Lady Octopus (Carolyn Trainer) 4*

Lady Octopus (Carolyn Trainer) 4*

4Ability: Armed...Color: GreenAP Cost: 4 This new Doc Ock’s Tentacles improve upon the previous design, lashing out quicker, and unpredictably. Carolyn creates up to 2 Tentacle tiles if she has fewer than 4 on the board. (PASSIVE) Carolyn takes 56 less damage. At the...

Kaine Parker (Trenchcoat) 3*

Kaine Parker (Trenchcoat) 3*

Ability: Who's NextColor: RedAP Cost: 5 Kaine Parker finds his next target and sends a powerful strike in their direction. Deal 223 damage to the target. (PASSIVE) When Kaine Parker deals damage, if he hits a different target than previous, increase that damage by...

Electro (Maxwell Dillon) 2*

Electro (Maxwell Dillon) 2*

Ability: Lightning VoltsColor: GreenAP Cost: 7 Select a Charged or Black basic tile. Deal 34 damage plus 17 for each Amp Electro has, then destroy the row of the selected tile and lose 3 Amps. (Destroyed tiles do not deal damage or generate AP). (PASSIVE) Whenever...

Jubilee (Vampire) 3*

Jubilee (Vampire) 3*

Ability: ExsanguinateColor: RedAP Cost: 6 Jubilee and her newly made allies converge on the target. Deal a hit of 162 damage to the target, and then an extra hit for each Marked character. (PASSIVE) Jubilee heals for 18% of all damage she deals. 166: Each hit deals...

Mister Sinister (Nathaniel Essex) 5* [REBALANCE]

Mister Sinister (Nathaniel Essex) 5* [REBALANCE]

Ability: Original SinisterColor: BlackAP Cost: 0 LEVEL 550 BEFORE (PASSIVE) Mister Sinister gleefully tosses one of his closes into the line of fire. If an enemy would deal 15076 or more damage and the friendly team has at least 3 Black AP, dream 3 friendly Black AP,...

Doctor Doom (Infamous Iron Man) 4*

Doctor Doom (Infamous Iron Man) 4*

Ability: Technomagical MasteryColor: BlackAP Cost: 6 Magic and technology cannot be combined. Or so says common knowledge. Doom scoffs at the common. Deal 556 damage, plus 25% for each Supernatural or Technologist ally. Each of these allies takes 174 damage, reduced...

Black King (Sebastian Shaw) 4*

Black King (Sebastian Shaw) 4*

Ability: Kinetic NegotiationColor: BlackAP Cost: 0 (PASSIVE) Sebastian Shaw has always been a ruthless negotiator, figuratively and literally. Black King takes 40% less damage, storing 15% of the reduced damage as increased base match damage. Whenever Black King deals...

Victor Mancha (Victorious) 5*

Victor Mancha (Victorious) 5*

Ability: Maximum VoltageColor: BlackAP Cost: 7 Victorious erupts with devastating electrical energy, causing destruction all around him. Deals 1107 damage to the enemy team, then creates 1 random basic Shrapnel tile(s). (PASSIVE) If there are 10 or more Shrapnel tiles...

Omega Red (Horseman of Pestilence) 5*

Omega Red (Horseman of Pestilence) 5*

Ability: Tentacle WhipColor: RedAP Cost: 7 As the Horseman of Pestilence, Omega Red has only become more savage with his tentacles, lashing out in quick succession. Deals 3 hits of 797 damage to the target enemy and heals Omega Red for 10% of the total damage done....

Omega Red (Arkady Rossovich) 3*

Omega Red (Arkady Rossovich) 3*

Ability: Tentacle SnareColor: RedAP Cost: 7 Using his tentacles to ensnare his foes, Omega Red drains their life force, boosting his healing factor and strength. Deals 345 damage to the target enemy and heals Omega Red for 10% of the damage dealt. Additionally, for...